Gangotri National Park, Gartang Gali opened for tourists

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By Kamal Panwar



MUSSOORIE: Gangotri National Park and Gartang Gali were opened for tourists on Monday in Uttarkashi district, said a for- est department official. Forest range officer Gangotri National Park Pradeep Bisht said: "Gartang Gali and Gang- otri National Park have been opened for tourists along with the route to Nelong Valley while the route to Gaumukh and Gangotri National Park which is currently covered with thick snow is expected to open for tourists from 15th April after all the trek routes are repaired by the forest department." Gartang Gali, the wooden bridge, an architectural marvel, was the oldest trade route between India and Tibet from where the nomads (Bhotiya tribe) traded their goods on yaks using this bridge for barter. GARTANG GALI, THE WOODEN BRIDGE, WAS THE OLDEST TRADE ROUTE BETWEEN INDIA AND TIBET USED BY NOMADS FOR TRADE The ticket for Gartang Gali has been kept at 150 per per son while the ticket for Gangotri National Park will be ₹200 per person, said Pradeep Bisht. The local business commu- nity is elated at the announce- ment and is expecting a rise in the tourist numbers who will come to see the iconic bridge. President of Uttarkashi Hotel Association Shailendra Matura said: "The iconic wooden bridge known as Gartang Gali made of wooden structure was an ancient trade route to Tibet and was reopened for public after the completion of restoration work two years back and with the opening of the two iconic sites the number of tourists will also increase in Uttarkashi dis- trict." The trekking community is also elated at the announce- ment of the opening of the Gangotri National Park and said that with this the pilgrims and trekkers will be able to take a journey to Gaumukh the source of river Ganga. An avid trekker Himat Singh Thapli said: "The trek to Gau- mukh glacier is arduous but is a memorable experience the trek- kers are looking forward to embarking on the journey once the route is cleared of snow," Around 44000 tourists visited the Gangotri park and Gartang Gali last year which resulted in generating revenue of over 268 lakh, said Pradeep Bisht.